Monday, October 24, 2005

Day 6

Had a home visit from the nurse today and Alyssa has surpassed her birthweight in under a week. She's 8 lbs. 7 oz. now. The nurse seemed to be impressed by this. I was just happy to hear that I don't have to wake Alyssa up to feed her at night. Not that I actually have been since we left the hospital, except for the night of the jaundice scare. But now I won't feel even slightly guilty about it.

Have to mention that the nurse said my stomach is SMALL! Could have hugged her, cuz I swear I look about 5 months pregnant, but hey... she sees a lot of women who've just had babies. Who am I to question her expertise? Perhaps it's because my boobs are at least three times their normal size... that'll make anybody's belly less noticeable.

So today is day 6, that means I survived day 5. Day 5 is the day my sister Deni (mother of four) says the new mommy hormones always kicked in for her...and look out! That's actually when it happened for me last time too (with Amanda), but this time I survived day 5 without incident. Since Alyssa was born, I have burst into tears only once. That was on our first morning home from the hospital (day 3, I guess) when Scott expressed complete horror over the fact that I'd gotten blood on the sheets (GASP!). Seriously it was like I'd committed some fatal error. And he couldn't stop talking about it, not only to me but to his mother too. And when he questioned the fact that I was sitting in his chair and certainly was about to destroy it, I retreated to my bloody sheets and burst into tears. Guess I let him have it pretty good after that cuz he's been REALLY NICE to me ever since then. I mean I just shot HIS 8 lb. 6 oz. baby out of my private parts and I'm entitled to bleed a little. He should be kissing my feet instead of giving me grief about it, right?

But before I came to my senses all I could think was geez, if he's freaked out about a little blood what's gonna happen in a couple more days when the fun really starts? Like today for instance when in the space of ONE HOUR Amanda (not quite potty-trained, apparently) peed all over our new comforter. I had laid down on the guest bed to feed Alyssa and we both conked out. I woke up to find the freshly changed sheets completely drenched with breastmilk, then Alyssa spit up all over me. Scott picked her up to change her and she shot poop all over him and the changing table. (He swears she shot 12 inches and wants to enter her into some kind of contest) I was trying to think if we had all the orifices covered... What other bodily function could this family lose control of? when I wandered out into the living room just in time to witness the cat puking on the carpet. No, I am NOT kidding. Not that I blame the cat, she's probably just disgusted at the mess her housemates have turned into. And to think Scott was whining about a little blood.

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