Sunday, February 12, 2006

New pictures to keep Grandma happy


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Oh yes. .Grandma is very HAPPY. Love the pictures, just keep them coming!

  2. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Dione, Just so you know, Its your fault that none of my friends take me seriously.
    Well, at least, partially your fault.
    I always get in trouble for saying things like "This is my favorite song ever!" , "these are my favorite cookies!", "this is my favorite book in the whole world!". I get in trouble because I will say that about 4 songs, 2 types of cookie and 13 books all in the SAME DAY.
    How is this your fault? Everytime you post new pictures, I yell: "THIS IS THE CUTEST PICTURE EVER!" or "This is my FAVORITE PICTURE OF ALL TIME!".

    Everytime you post a picture, for the love.

    It's a bad habit, but I'm not ready to kick it. Keep em comin! :)


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