3.18.06 (give or take a day or four)
Dear Alyssa,
You're five months old already! I can hardly believe it. You're doing so many new things now. You say "Da-da" and you also know how to grab ahold of your feet and put them in your mouth. This has become an obsessive pastime of yours and I'm afraid you'll have to stop doing that, you know, sometime before you start school. I totally understand though. I love your toes too.
You still love bathtime and the occasional shower with mom. You're not terribly interested in the pacifier anymore. You'll take one on occasion but you prefer to suck on your fingers, almost always the middle two. You don't have any teeth yet, but I'm pretty sure you'll be getting one soon. I think you're teething because you're a little fussier these days than usual and you will try to gnaw on anything within reach…which reminds me that you're reaching for things now…toys, your dad's glasses, your sister's hair.
You roll around a lot but your favorite mode of transportation at the moment (well other than being carried around like a little princess) is scooting. I think you thought this idea up on your own…I haven't noticed other babies doing it. While you're lying on your back you use your legs to get your butt off the ground and then scoot yourself backwards. You scoot all over the place and get rather ticked off when there's an obstacle in your way.
Lately when I put you on your tummy you put both arms in the air and sort of look like you're about to take flight. You played in the grass for the first time the other day at the park. And thanks to your dad, you also went down the slide and rode on this little bouncy tractor thing, all while I was screaming like psycho mommy not to let you get hurt… and umm… taking pictures.
I don't know how to say this, but somebody has to: You are quite possibly the stinkiest baby ever. Most of the time you have that wonderful baby smell and I could just nuzzle your neck forever because you smell as yummy as warm cookies. But you have your moments, Sweetie. I actually have to warn people when you're gassy. And usually they'll say say, "Oh noooooo, not this adorable little thing," but then at some point the look of horror will cross their faces and I'll say, "I tried to warn you." Nope, your poop does not smell like roses which is something I’m sure you’ll be delighted to know about when you’re 17 and I’m sharing this information with your prom date. If, in my baby book, MY mom had so much as hinted toward the fact that I'd ever even pooped, I would have been completely MORTIFIED and probably wouldn't have left my room for years. But you're a member of the T**** Family and in your dad's family, topics way more embarassing than this are discussed on a regular basis, so you may as well just get used to it now. Moving on to sweeter topics, you are LOUD! Well actually you're pretty quiet most of the time but then every once in a while you are REALLY LOUD…and I'm not talking about when you cry. It's not just squealing or babbling either. You actually scream loudly just for the heck of it. Gets me every time too. I'll look over expecting to see that the cat just ate one of your toes but you'll have this huge proud grin on your face, like yep, that was me and then you'll scream a few more times. Makes a mother proud, I tell you… we're going to make quite a team on the roller coasters someday. But it is kind of embarassing to take you in public.
You adore your big sister almost as much as she adores you. She has been a really wonderful big sister to you, right from the beginning. As far as I know she hasn't pinched you or hit you in the head even once. (I have a big brother so I was a bit nervous for you.) I hope you'll appreciate how good she's been to you someday when she is locking you out of her room and trying to tell you that you've ruined her life. The other day after you spit-up all over me and I joked that we were going to return you to the hospital, your sister fought HARD for you to stay. Yep, she said she would miss you way too much, so we've decided to keep you.
We sometimes keep you entertained with your sister's Baby Annabell doll - the one she got for Christmas. Not only does Annabell cry real tears but she babbles and coos like a real baby, which means she's your new best friend. Finally someone who talks the way that you do! When she's around you pretty much ignore the rest of us and have private little baby conversations.
I always thought Amanda was an easy baby, but you're even easier, considering that you don't want to eat every ten minutes and you actually sleep through the night. Have I thanked you for that lately? Thank you Alyssa…really appreciate the sleeping thing… you have no idea how much! One of the things about you that still surprises me is that sometimes when you're crying, all I have to do is flash a huge smile at you and you'll break into a smile too.You're just a really happy baby and a total joy to have around. Everybody who meets you comments on it. You smile all the time and at everyone. You have this great belly laugh too, especially when I kiss your tummy or when we make loud, scary noises for your amusement. You’re such a goof ball, such a ham–with your big, wet, gummy grin. Despite the moments where I feel worn out from lugging your little hair-pulling self around, I adore you and I wouldn't trade this time with you for anything.