Saturday, July 18, 2009

Disneyland, here we come!

The plan was to leave at 8am but as usual, we were running a bit
behind. Finally in the Eurovan, we quickly discovered the a/c wasn't

Umm, it's a long drive and it's HOT. We visited the VW dealer, who,
told us a few hours later that they wouldn't be able to get the
necessary part until Tuesday. Oh and it will cost around $1850. Yay!

While Scott was at the shop, I was searching around for a mini-van to
rent. Trying to rent a mini-van at the last minute is not as easy as I
expected. Sold out! We did find an SUV for about $700 but then Scott
thought about his truck. Scott's mom is with us and we've got too much
stuff to fit in either of our cars.

So here we are, in Scott's Dodge Dakota. The girls and I are crammed
into the undersized backseat. That's cherry juice on Alyssa's
forehead, not blood. We're about five hours behind schedule, but we're
on our way!

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