Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stuck Inside

Rain. Tons of it. Endless amounts of rain. I actually LOVE rain. But it's starting to get just a tad bit old, even to me. So for your viewing pleasure, a few pictures of how we've been keeping ourselves entertained these last couple of weeks.

We've had playdates. Lots of them. We've played Barbies. We've danced.We've set up some tents in the dining room. (Thanks Aunt Jacque and Uncle Brad, we LOVE them! Scott says next time we visit he's going to bring them and set them up in your dining room so he can show you exactly how much he loves them!)We had our own version of American Idol/So You Think You Can Dance. By the way, Alyssa got a golden ticket! She's goin' to Hollywood. Pretend Hollywood, that is. We've done homework.
We've played some more Barbies. We've rough-housed a bit. We've played school.
We've made monsters.We've climbed the walls. We've danced some more.We 've baked cookies. We've pretended to sleep.We've made weird faces. We've cooked.We've laid down and been covered in clean laundry, straight out of the dryer. I swear these two will drop anything for the thrill of warm laundry. And when it stopped raining, we finally got to play outside!!!
By the way I wrote this post yesterday... We had actual SUNSHINE today! Woo hoo!!!


  1. Welcome back to the blog world, missed you! Oh man and do I appreciate the tent jungles. Wouldn't know how we'd have survived without those things.

  2. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Cute, cute, cute! Glad the rain has passed and your two sweethearts can get outdoors!


  3. YAY! I checked in and got 3 new entries and a new idea. Tomorrow I will dump warm laundry on my kids...the pile is kind of big though. I'd better be sure not to crush them. ;)


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