Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Heard on the way home from Alyssa's soccer practice today

Alyssa: Guess what I just found out? I LOVE soccer!

I wonder who told her.

Also, Alyssa asked me how street lights work and I explained as much as I knew, including the part about sensors in the street that cause the lights to work correctly.

Amanda (shocked): How do you know that?!? What else do you know? Are there cameras in my bathroom?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Darin Nelson6:28 AM

    I'm not posting a comment, I'm posting a question...ARE there cameras in my bathroom? Inquiring aunts want to know. Thanks for blogging. And this ain't funny, cuz it's EARLY...would you please turn the blog from Spanish to English, because I don't know what this means, "Este campo no puede dejarse en blanco" when I'm trying to leave a comment... Love, Aunt Darin

  2. LOL!
    I've been reading your blog for about an hour, but this little post made me laugh so hard I think I woke up my roommate.
    What else DO you know? I will buy you coffee if will tell me all your secret stuff!


You're really going to leave me a comment? Thank you, thank you, thank you!