Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Do you ever get the feeling that your kids think you're not all that bright?

Amanda likes cereal. She's pretty particular about what kind of cereal, which is understandable. But it's the way she asks for cereal that always gets me. She says very slowly: I want ceh-whoa in a bow with milk in it and a foon. For those of you who don't speak three-year-old, that means: I want cereal in a bowl with milk in it and a spoon.

She asks for it the same way every single time. I'm sure it's just her way of learning and explaining what's going on in her world. Or for all I know, maybe she thinks that's a really unique way to eat cereal. But still, it sometimes makes me feel like a complete moron. I mean we have ceh-whoa in a bow with milk in it and a foon several times a week. I'm not a very good cook but I know how to make ceh-whoa!

I just can't help imagining that Amanda is thinking she better really spell it out for me because if she let me handle it on my own I'd pour the cereal on a plate so that the water I poured all over it would spill on the floor…and then I'd hand her a fork and say, "Have at it!"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    ha...obviously she's seen you in the kitchen, dear.


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