Saturday, November 19, 2005

Why the blog?

When I was pregnant with Amanda I kept a pregnancy journal. I recorded all the details: how we shared the news, all my cravings, how I felt the first time I felt her move, how we chose her name. I even wrote her sappy letters. Pregnant women are hormonal and highly emotional, okay?

When I was pregnant with Alyssa... NOTHING.

After nine months, the mommy-guilt kicked in. I've been teased quite a bit about the fact that pretty much every minute of Amanda's babyhood was recorded on film or in writing. And I started getting nervous about the day that Alyssa spied Amanda flipping through volume 8 of her first year and asked, "Hey, what about ME?" Trust me, as baby number four in my family, I've been giving my mom grief about this for years.

So that's why I started this blog, figuring that if it was a public thing I would be more likely to keep it up-to-date, keep taking new pictures, and writing down the stories. Except that I'm not really wild about the idea of this actually being "public". You know public like weirdos-looking-at-pictures-of-my-kids public or public like strangers-telling-me-that-stories-about-baby-poop-aren't-nearly-as-fascinating-as-I-think-they-are public. I was thinking public like grandmas-and-aunts-and-people-who-think-my-kids-are-truly-adorable public. So if you know about this blog, hopefully it's because you fall into that category.

Welcome to my blog. Oh and don't worry, I know the poop stories aren't fascinating. I'll try to keep them to a minimum.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Hi there, this is a great idea. I have always wondered what a "blog" is and now I know. Talking about pictures, while you were pregnant with Alyssa, Bob and I went to a neighborhood yard sale and I found 2 adorable baby bonnets. . . the kind that were so popular when Denise was a baby. Ruffles and lace. I am going to bring them with me Thanksgiving and hopefully you will take some pictures with Alyssa wearing them. Love Mom


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