Monday, November 07, 2005

Follow-up doctor visit

Alyssa's follow-up visit went just fine. I don't think they have a clue what the problem was but since the CT results were normal it seems we don't need to worry. The doctor told us to continue watching for the same signs they mentioned at the hospital and we'll go back to the doctor next week.

I went through some old pictures of Amanda when she was about the same age as Alyssa and her eyes had that same "sunsetting" look in many shots, so maybe it's just a weird family trait or something.

Oh and I totally forgot to mention Alyssa's eye infection yesterday. The reason we ended up going to the doctor in the first place turned out to be nothing but a clogged tear-duct. They told us to massage it a bit and wipe it with a warm wash cloth and it looks totally fine now.

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