Update: So we were on our way home from school today, taking Amanda's friend, Holly, with us. They were planning out their time together, starting with Barbie-time. Holly loves to play Barbies at our house because she says we have the very best Barbie stuff. That's right I finally live at the house with the best Barbie stuff. Not that this is about me.
So Amanda says, "Oh wait 'til I show you what I did...Mom, did Alyssa mess up the Barbies today?"
Me: "Umm, I'm not sure. So what was going on with the Barbies anyway?"
Amanda: "What are you talking about?"
Me: "Well, there was that big line of Barbies and then there was that one Barbie sitting in front of them all... and she was, umm wearing her birthday suit... you know, naked?"
Amanda: "Oh, well she was... she was wearing an imaginary bathing suit."
Me: "Ohhhhhh! Of course she was. I can't believe I didn't notice that. Now I understand."
(Long pause)
Me: "So how come she was the only one wearing her bathing suit in front of all those people?"
Me: "Was she teaching a swim class?"
Amanda: "Yeah, she was."
Me: "Ah, okay. Got it. But umm... If she was teaching a swim class, shouldn't they... oh wait... don't tell me... were they in an imaginary swimming pool?"
Amanda: (clearly horrified) "Mommmmmmm... Can we talk about this later?"
Me: "Oh sure. Later."
If she thinks she's embarassed now, just wait until the next time I take her swimming and I wear my imaginary bathing suit.
Bonanza! Just when I was gonna check if there was a spot on your blog that I could sign up to be notified via e-m if there was EVER an update, I hit the Motherlode! Awesome Barbie pic, Here's what my male friend Chris said when I sent him the link,"See to a girl that naked Barbie in the front thing looked odd. To a guy, it looked totally natural. Ever heard of stripclubs? Trust me, wherever the naked girl is that's the direction everyone is facing."
ReplyDeleteHowever, as Amanda's aunt, I'm glad there was a Logical Explanation, even if you had to coach her into it.
Glad you finally have cooler Barbie dolls than your worn down hand-me downs from your sisters--you deserve it. Hey, Barbie's 50 and now even has tatoos. If your good, maybe your older sisters will get you a brand new one (uh I mean your daughters one) for your birthday.
Tattooed Barbie
Barbie's turning 50 and having a mid-life crisis. The Los Angeles Times reports that Mattel is rolling out a tattooed Barbie, and opening a new Barbie megastore in Shanghai. (She's not just tattooed, but comes with a tattoo gun. I'm just thrilled. Here's a picture.)
Barbie has also joined Twitter, reporting recently that she "is back together with her boyfriend!" (I must be behind, because I didn't know Ken was on the outs. Or maybe it isn't Ken.)
Some parents, including Whoa, Momma!, have been up in arms over the tattooing; others, such the writer of the Idol Chatter blog, don't think it's such a big deal. You?