Friday, May 13, 2011

And then we could all end up in jail

I was looking for my phone before the girls and I ran to the store. Alyssa asked why I needed it and I explained that I always like to have my phone with me when I'm driving just in case something happens.

Amanda pipes in: I always think something's gonna happen. That's why I always take my jacket everywhere I go... and shoes... and quarters (for quarter machines not phone calls) because you just never know.

Me: You are SO your Grandma N*'s granddaughter!

Amanda: Well you just never know. There could be an accident or we could end up in jail.

Me: Why would we end up in jail?

Amanda: Well I don't know what you're gonna do!

All of my life I've felt like sort of a goody-two-shoes. I've never been in trouble for anything. Never got a speeding ticket. Never even got called to the principal's office. But in the eyes of my 8-year-old, apparently I'm just a wild card. Capable of anything. You better take a jacket and some quarters because at any moment I might choose to steal a car, beat up a police man or rob a bank.

1 comment:

  1. are my creative, stable, responsible aunt, but part of my inner child has to agree.
    We just never know what you are going to do! Thanks for posting.
    This blog is a joy to read. :)


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