One of the first things that happened in February was that Amanda finally lost her first top tooth. I say finally because it was kind of a long drawn out process. Not only did it take a long time but it was obvious that the permanent tooth was trying to push out the baby tooth, and it just got lower and lower and lower... but it wasn't very loose. Not loose enough to pull... Wasn't Amanda's best look though. I'm not going to show you the before picture but if it had gone on much longer I was afraid she might start to look like this: But how cute is she in the after photos? These photos were taken the day after she lost her tooth and her new one was already about a quarter of the way in!
In February, Alyssa got a new bike!We saw Gnomeo & Juliet.We saw Disney on Ice. I also decided I should attempt some creative Valentines this year. The photoshoots went something like this: And the Valentines turned out like this:Do you know what this cat really needs? A pillow! Also more comfortable with a pillow: Justin Bieber.
Alyssa did a lot of playing in February. Alyssa pretended to be an artist. She pretended to be a chef. She pretended to be a princess. (For the record, that is MY faux fur coat... I'm guessing circa 1974-ish.) She had a pretend wedding where she got to be the beautiful bride, complete with pretend flowers and pretend tattoos.She had spectacular pretend wedding rings.And a pretend groom who was not all that excited about pretending to get married. It's never a good sign when your pretend groom has to be dragged down the aisle by your pretend maid of honor.After a brief discussion, the pretend wedding was called off.But from the looks of this photo, the pretend reception must have gone on all night.
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